How To DIY Energy Audit for Rental Properties

Posted By: Phil Schaller ICOR Blog & News,

In the contemporary landscape of property management, energy efficiency has become a pivotal aspect, particularly for small rental properties. Conducting a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) energy audit is an invaluable step for landlords, offering insights into how to enhance energy efficiency, reduce operational costs, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the nuances of conducting such an audit, including the use of the latest technology, the manifold benefits for landlords, and strategies for maintaining efficiency post-audit.

Why Conducting an Energy Audit is Important
Unveiling Hidden Costs and Saving Opportunities : An energy audit serves as a critical tool in identifying hidden energy leaks and inefficiencies in a property. These issues, often overlooked, can cumulatively lead to significant energy wastage and, consequently, inflated utility bills. By pinpointing these areas, a landlord can take targeted actions to rectify them, leading to considerable savings in the long term.

Enhancing Tenant Comfort and Retention: Energy-efficient properties are not only cost-effective but also offer increased comfort for tenants, which can be a decisive factor in tenant retention and attraction. By ensuring that the rental property is well-insulated, properly heated, and free from drafts, landlords can improve the living conditions, thereby boosting tenant satisfaction and loyalty.

Environmental Impact: An energy-efficient property greatly reduces its carbon footprint, contributing positively
to environmental conservation efforts. This aspect is increasingly becoming a priority for both property owners and tenants who are environmentally conscious.

The Latest Technology in Energy Audits
Cutting-Edge Tools for Precise Assessment: The evolution of technology has introduced sophisticated tools that make energy audits more precise and less intrusive. Infrared cameras, for example, can visually display areas of heat loss, identifying poorly insulated spots or hidden leaks. Similarly, smart thermostats and energy monitors can provide real-time data on energy usage, allowing for a more dynamic approach to managing energy consumption.

DIY Energy Audit Apps: Numerous mobile applications are now available that guide landlords through a step-by-
step process of conducting an energy audit. These apps often include features like energy calculators, checklists, and tips for energy-saving, making the audit process more user-friendly and accessible.

Benefits to Landlords
Long-term Cost Reduction: The most tangible benefit of conducting an energy audit is the reduction in utility costs. By identifying and addressing energy inefficiencies, landlords can significantly lower their energy bills. This cost reduction not only improves the profitability of the rental property but also can be an attractive selling point for potential tenants.

Increased Property Value: Properties with proven energy efficiency often fetch higher market values and rental
rates. Energy-efficient features are increasingly becoming a key criterion for property valuation, making an energy audit a wise investment for property enhancement.

Legal Compliance and Incentives: In many regions, there are legal requirements for energy efficiency in rental properties. Conducting an energy audit ensures compliance with these regulations, avoiding potential fines or legal issues. Additionally, landlords may qualify for government incentives, tax breaks, or rebates for  implementing energy-saving measures.

Conducting the DIY Energy Audit
Heating and Cooling Systems: The Efficiency Core: Inspecting the heating and cooling systems is crucial. Ensuring that these systems are functioning at peak efficiency can significantly reduce energy consumption. This includes cleaning or replacing filters, checking for leaks in duct work, and considering the age and efficiency of the system. Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs and inefficiencies.

Insulation: The Hidden Defender:  Adequate insulation is vital for maintaining energy efficiency. Areas like attics, walls, basements, and crawl spaces should be inspected for adequate insulation. Infrared cameras can be invaluable in this process, revealing areas where heat is escaping.

Detecting and Sealing Air Leaks: Air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings can be a major source of energy loss. A thorough inspection can identify these leaks, which can then be sealed with caulk or weather-stripping. This simple measure can significantly improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs.

Lighting: The Low-Hanging Fruit:  Lighting is one of the easiest areas to improve energy efficiency. Replacing
incandescent bulbs with LED lights can lead to substantial energy savings. Assessing the lighting needs in each room and optimizing accordingly can both improve the ambiance and reduce energy consumption.

Water Heating: A Stealthy Energy Consumer: Water heating can account for a significant portion of a  property's energy usage. Checking the water heater's insulation, reducing the temperature setting, and insulating
pipes can enhance efficiency. For older water heaters, considering an upgrade to a more energy-efficient model could be a wise decision.

Appliances and Electronics: The Silent Energy Drainers: Old and inefficient appliances can be major contributors to high energy bills. Using a power meter to assess the energy usage of each appliance can help identify which ones
are the most inefficient. Implementing practices like unplugging electronics when not in use and using energy-efficient appliances can make a noticeable difference.

Post-Audit Actions and Maintenance
Regular Maintenance for Sustained Efficiency: Post-audit, it is crucial to maintain the efficiency gains achieved. This includes regular maintenance of heating and cooling systems, monitoring for new leaks or insulation issues, and keeping a vigilant eye on the property’s overall energy consumption.

Tenant Engagement and Education: Engaging tenants in energy-saving practices can amplify the benefits of an energy audit. Educating tenants about simple measures like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and reporting maintenance issues promptly can further enhance energy efficiency.

Monitoring Effectiveness and Making Adjustments
Utilizing Technology for Continuous Monitoring Post-implementation: It’s important to monitor the effectiveness of the energy-saving solutions. Smart meters and energy management systems can provide real-time data, allowing for adjustments to be made as necessary. This continuous monitoring ensures that the property remains at optimal energy efficiency.

Analyzing Bills and Gathering Feedback: A simple yet effective way to gauge the success of energy-saving measures is to compare current utility bills with those from previous periods. Additionally, soliciting feedback from tenants about their comfort and any changes in their energy consumption habits can provide valuable insights.

Conducting a DIY energy audit for a small rental property is a proactive step that yields numerous benefits. From cost savings to environmental stewardship, the advantages are clear and impactful. By following this guide, landlords can not only enhance the value and attractiveness of their properties but also contribute positively to the broader goal of energy conservation.