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Einstein reportedly said that “compounding interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World. He who understands it, earns it. He who...

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With Fix & Flip gross profits at all time high levels, we often receive the question - “Is now still a good time to Flip”? In our...

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Experts have their tried-and-true methods for helping identify projects which will yield the best return. They’ve developed rules for...

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Once your offer to buy a home enters into contract, a home inspection is the pivotal event for deciding whether to move forward with the contract,...

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Just as with traditional landlord insurance policies, mobile home insurance protects the investment and the contents within it. It also protects...

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401K retirement plans, which includes most solo 401K plans, allow account owners to borrow up $50,000 from their account. This personal loan...

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hyp·no·sis (hp-nss) n. pl. hyp·no·ses (-sz) 1. An artificially induced altered state of consciousness. Real Estate...

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According to a recent study by Northwest Mutual, 15 percent of millennials expect to retire early, particularly those who were gainfully employed...

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Real estate investors are always hunting for their next investment property, but as I network with many landlords, I often hear that their main...

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Recently, there has been a lot of news about Peter Thiel’s 5 billion-dollar Roth IRA. Google the phrase “Billion Dollar Roth...

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I am often asked by people starting a new business this question – should I do my own books? My answer is always the same. It depends. This...

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I could write a whole book on how many ways Whole Life Insurance gets misunderstood. Fortunately, others already have! Assuming you have a basic...

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