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Shared Housing Workshop: Understanding the fundamentals of Co-housing

Alternative Rental Housing Investing

Saturday, December 11, 2021
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM (MST)

Event Details

If you could TRIPLE the income from your Single Family rental property while having true IMPACT... would you?

According to the Latest figures from the US Government, there are 70,000,000 people facing housing insecurity today. That is a huge problem, and the good news is, there is a Very Lucrative Solution. 

 In this session:

1. You’ll learn how to turn a single-family home into $3,000 to $10,000 or more in Monthly Cash Flow.

2. You’ll learn how to tap into BILLIONS of dollars available to real estate investors just like you.

3. Learn how to Attract tenants that will respect your property while collecting guaranteed rent payments

4. Learn Why Rent & Eviction Moratoriums DO NOT APPLY using the “4 Homes to Freedom” Formula

You will learn how to capitalize on this mega-trend opportunity and become financially resilient in any market to come! Don’t miss your opportunity to have true IMPACT & maximize your cash flow.

For More Information:

Troy Miller
Troy Miller
CEO | ICOR (970)682-4267

Victor Jernigan
Co-Housing Investor &
Planning & Development

Victor Jernigan has been involved in the real estate business for over thirty years as an investor, advisor, agent, and broker. This range of experience has enabled him to recognize the need to create residential and commercial projects that will benefit the community for at least three generations. He only works with clients and partners with this long-term view, and it is his job to provide the information that they can trust for their essential real estate decisions.