Compassionate Conversations: A Roadmap for Discussing Estate Planning with Your Parents

Posted By: Pam Maass ICOR Blog & News,

Discussing estate planning with your parents requires finesse and understanding. Let’s explore practical tips and examples to guide you through this crucial conversation and pave the way for a secure and well-planned future.

1. Choose the Right Environment:

Tip: Pick a quiet, comfortable setting conducive to open conversation.

Example: Invite your parents for a relaxed dinner at home or a comfortable place where interruptions are minimal. A serene atmosphere can set the stage for a thoughtful discussion.

2. Initiate with Empathy:

Tip: Begin the conversation by expressing care and gratitude.

Example: “Mom, Dad, as we go through life, I’ve been thinking about ensuring everything is in place for our family’s future. Your well-being means the world to me, and I want to make sure I understand and support your wishes.”

3. Focus on Shared Goals:

Tip: Center the discussion around common aspirations and values.

Example: “I’ve been contemplating our family’s legacy. Are there specific values or goals you want to make sure are passed down to the next generations? Understanding this can help us plan more effectively.”

4. Educate Without Overwhelming:

Tip: Share relatable stories about the positive impact of estate planning.

Example: “I read about a family friend who had a well-thought-out estate plan. It really made a challenging time more manageable for their family. It got me thinking about how we can ensure our affairs are in order.”

5. Share Personal Stories:

Tip: Relate positive experiences from your network.

Example: “Aunt Susan’s estate planning made a significant difference for her family. It inspired me to consider our own situation. Have you ever thought about how you’d like things to be managed in the future?”

6. Introduce Professional Guidance:

Tip: Suggest seeking advice from experts.

Example: “I’ve been exploring the idea of consulting with an estate planning attorney. They can provide valuable insights and ensure everything is legally sound. Would you be interested in exploring this together?”

7. Be an Attentive Listener:

Tip: Approach the conversation with a genuine desire to understand.

Example: “I want to hear your thoughts and concerns. This is a collaborative effort, and I’m here to listen and support you through the entire process.”

8. Address Emotional Aspects:

Tip: Acknowledge and address emotional elements.

Example: “I realize this might be an emotional topic. Discussing the future can bring up various feelings. I want you to know I’m here to support you through this, and we can take it one step at a time.”

9. Highlight the Family Impact:

Tip: Emphasize how planning positively affects the entire family.

Example: “By having a clear plan, we can prevent misunderstandings and ensure your legacy is passed on just as you envision. It’s about securing a harmonious future for all of us.”

10. Take Gradual Steps:

Tip: Break down the conversation into manageable sections.

Example: “Let’s start by discussing your preferences for healthcare decisions. It’s a crucial aspect of future planning, and we can take it one step at a time.”


Initiating a conversation about estate planning is an act of love and responsibility. Utilize these tips and examples to navigate this dialogue with care, fostering a collaborative approach and ensuring your family’s future is secure and well-planned. Remember, these conversations may take time, so be patient and understanding as you embark on this journey together.

At Law Mother, Estate Planning law is our focus. We are proud to be sponsors of ICOR and offer ICOR members a complimentary 15 minute call. To schedule your 15 minute call please visit our website: